Maybe you got caught up in last year’s U.S. Presidential election. If you did, you weren’t alone. You researched the candidates, their positions and perhaps you began to question some of your beliefs. Maybe you even voted in a way you never thought you would or conversely, held tighter to your original position. Examining beliefs is always good. It means you are open to new ideas, but while that is true, it does not mean that you are right. Think about it. Whichever candidate you supported, there are a number of people who believe differently. They may have done the same research as you, read the same articles, visited the fringe websites and watched mainstream and alternative media and even though you all saw the same things happening right before your eyes, you each came to different conclusions. You are probably wondering why those who disagree with your point of view can see things so differently. And then maybe you began to question more. Who has the truth? The answer is: no one does because as human beings we perceive things differently. Each of your personal beliefs is a product of your mind, a conclusion about the information you sifted through. It is not based on an objective reality. So if we all come to different conclusions about the world, how will we ever create unity? |

Find Common Ground
One way we can achieve unity is through our values. it is helpful to keep in mind that we share many of the same values: good health, family, prosperity, peace, safety and freedom. However, our thinking minds each come to different conclusions on how to accomplish these things. Think about it. When using the presidential election as an example, each voter believed that their candidate was the best choice for sustaining democracy and strengthening the country economically. For most, their hearts were in the right place. Essentially, we have the same fundamental goals.

Develop Awareness Perhaps the most important thing you can do to get along with others who see things differently is to detach from your beliefs. See your thoughts as just ideas that are separate from you. Doing this will help to neutralize them. When you start to see your thoughts and beliefs as separate from who you really are–a soul being in this present human reality–you will be able to shift your consciousness and see your opinion as nothing more than a thought form. You can lock it away and distinguish it from the real you. This may sound like a foreign concept to some, but if you know what we are talking about, you’ll know that it is like a switch that gets flipped. And even for those who haven’t delved into the world of spirituality, you can probably imagine that there is more than one way to see things, and if we can agree to disagree while staying connected regardless, we can achieve unity. What can you do to accelerate your progress toward developing this mindset? It starts with the development of awareness so we suggest meditation and mindfulness. Our forthcoming book, expected to be released in 2022, can help you get there and in the meantime, follow us on social media, read our blog posts and listen to our podcast. And we encourage you to read other authors too. Once you develop awareness, it will change your life! |
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