Our tag line is “know yourself” and the trailer for our first book provides the not so simple message “You know how to lose weight, but how well do you know yourself?”
The message confused people. Why do you need the book Change Your Mind: Lose Weight if you already know how to lose weight? The point to understand is that there is more to losing weight than diet and exercise and that the book is more than a book about weight loss. It is the difference between “I am all there is” and “It is all about me.”
You are all there is, but you, the you that is all there is, is not the ego. The ego is the part that thinks “it is all about me.” Most of us do live from the ego when we function in the outside world and react to our environment. We feel that the world around us does not understand us nor responds very well to our expectations. But when you get in touch with your inner self, you flip that switch, and the egocentric persona shatters and becomes “I am all there is.”
Your point of origin is then understood as the soul, the center of the self, and you acknowledge that you are the designer of all of your life experiences. When you understand that, you understand that you choose the direction you want your life to take, you have more control, and you learn from every situation and grow. And that realization makes life magnificent, and you become a natural attractor of all the things you desire.
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