So we have been working on a book for two years and it is finally finished and we expect its release to the public sometime in 2018. Yay!


Now that it has been copyrighted, we can begin to share some of the content. Here is the Prologue:

A chance meeting, a quick glance, strangers passing in the corridor, all culminate into the days of our lives that witness unmemorable connections, proceeding swiftly and without attention. As we focus on the people who matter—our friends, our families, our colleagues, our neighbors—we rarely pay attention to the stranger in the waiting room or the coffee shop.  We perhaps say a few words, and think of these chance meetings as friendly moments of conversation, not realizing that our webs of connection are so tightly woven into our stories that we miss the truth only the narrator of our lives might understand.  But if we could make sense of the small interactions that occur in the present moment, we would understand that we are intimately connected to everyone, and that like a web holding us all together in this world we call reality, we are one.

The story itself focuses on four protagonists who have a unique but hidden bond.

We are very excited about the book cover and will be able to share that when it is done. For now, you can check out a preview above.

Stay tuned!

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