Everyone is experiencing the effects of COVID-19, whether it is grappling with the virus itself or losing jobs or just having to cancel parties and travel plans. Despite the devastating medical and financial consequences of this virus, it is always better to be optimistic than pessimistic, especially if you believe that thoughts are powerful.
We do co-create our reality and while things happen around us, what we do and think really matters. Yes, people are sick and dying and we are in a terrible situation, but we can also look at the current state as transient. This will end at some point, and we will come out the other side. And it is better for your emotional health to be hopeful than to be negative.
It is hard to know how this virus which has hit New York hard, will compare to 9/11 or Sandy, but when you’re in the thick of it, things are scary. Remember when the Twin Towers fell and about three thousand people perished in a day? It seemed like the end of the world and we constantly worried about terrorism for months. After Sandy, aside from loss of life and loss of property, there were safety fears amidst the clean-up. Those situations passed, and life got back to normal and we began to experience good things again. That will happen with COVID-19 too. So in the midst of this pandemic, let’s try to put this thing into perspective.
We like what publisher Sharon Shaffery wrote in the April 2020 Monmouth County edition of Natural Awakenings: “Remember disease is disrupted by high-vibes. And water molecules are impacted by our thoughts (watch Dr. Emoto if you don’t know what I am talking about). So if we raise our vibration and keep our thoughts positive and focused on ending this disease we could very well be the best offense humanity has.” Indeed, let’s be optimistic and put our intentions on positive outcomes! It feels better than the alternative and it just might help to save the world.
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