You’ve probably heard of manifesting, or cosmic ordering, or other terms suggesting that you can get what you want by uttering affirmations or engaging in certain rituals. We are not saying that these practices do not work, but we think it is important to share our method of manifesting, which comes down to what we’ve been saying all along. You need to look within, know yourself and realize just how powerful you are.
That many people have self doubts and sometimes end up in a terrible downward spiral is obvious, and it is not any fault of theirs. It is life. Sometimes bad things happen, but to tell you the truth, everything that happens is related to your inner world. It is related to how you think, how you react and most importantly, what you do about your circumstances that matters. So while things may seemingly happen to you, and you are not to blame, how you handle life’s challenges makes a big difference in the outcome.
Are we saying that action and reaction is more important than ritual? Not exactly. Yes, action is obviously very relevant, but you will not take the right action unless you know what that is, right? And how do you find out? You have to access that higher self, the part of you that knows, your instinctual self, the part of you that nobody sees. When you are centered, you make the right choices and that leads to a way of manifesting that is equated with synchronicities, good luck and perfect alignment. When you think the right thoughts and feel good, the things you want flood into your life. Trying to will things to happen –no matter how many affirmations you do–will fail to create a happy life, because you can’t force it. You have to let go. And we can show you how!
We can’t show you in the space of a blog post, or in a 30 minute podcast, so we are working on a new book that encompasses everything you need to get into the flow and manifest the best things for your life. We are very excited for this new book, but publishing is not a quick process, so stay tuned!
But in the mean time, we are both available to help you achieve your goals with personalized services to suit your needs and preferences. For more information, view the offerings under the Services tab at this website.
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