So we released our novel One last year, in April of 2019, and never imagined the world that exists right now. Life is upside down. We are slowly getting used to the new normal and while that is obvious, what is not so obvious is that the message to come from that novel is more relevant than ever.

The book has a number of thematic elements, but probably the most significant is that we are all connected. We are one. And you’ve heard that before from the spiritual community, but you have never heard it in quite the way that Christine, Stephanie, Peter and Marguerite demonstrate it in One.
And we see this connection play out in real life too. As people are dying in our hospitals, the brave doctors and nurses are on the front lines. They literally risk their lives to save other human beings. It’s heroic and in some way counterintuitive, but it is not really counterintuitive. They are fearless and they go in because they are in touch with that inside thing we always talk about. They are reaching into their hearts, connecting with their souls, and giving their all to save humanity, and we thank them so much. It is through their heroic efforts that we clearly see the strength of our human connection, which is always grounded in love and infused with an extreme sense of faith and hope.
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