
Life happens, but looking more closely, we do participate in the direction our lives take us. It may be that certain things are fated, and there are world events that are beyond our control. But we create our lives.


We can manifest our desires if we really believe hard enough, so what do you want for the coming year?

Think about your life right now. What works? What doesn’t? What improvements do you want to make?

Go ahead. Make a list. Then take five minutes to do the following exercise.

Experience the Feeling

 Remember a time when you were really happy.

Remember that time, and experience the feeling now.

Do you know what we are talking about? It is the feeling that gives us wings, that feeling that anything is possible, that feeling that nothing can be better than what is happening right now. It is the ultimate high. Sit until you remember such a time.

Next, start reaching for the experiences that make you feel that way. What experiences do you think will bring joy to your life? Write them down.

Set intentions now, and believe with unwearied faith that it is happening. Then let go of the “how” it will manifest and be open to opportunities. Expect the best of what the universe has for you and you will surely achieve your dreams.

Revel in the possibilities.

Follow With Action

While syncing yourself with the universe will help attract the very things you need into your life, your acceptance as well as your actions will of course make a tremendous difference as to whether the things you want materialize.

You need not—nor would you want to—muster discipline or significantly change your environment without the proper inspiration. Think about the things you desire. That desire will take you far as it will not only change your vibration, it will put your goals at the forefront of your conscious mind.

Whether you dream your desires into existence, or get something better, or simply lose your desire for a coveted thing, growth will take place. No matter what happens, you win!

You can help co-create your reality through various forms of meditation, visualization, making a vision board, chanting or using a mantra, surrendering, reaching for better feeling thoughts, or through lucid dreaming and other methods of self-exploration.  Want to know more about these kinds of topics?

Throughout 2015 we will be posting resources on Facebook: book lists, links to articles and more information on how to get started. And feel free to post here, on Facebook, on Twitter or on Goodreads, and ask us ANYTHING! We mean it!

Set your goals for 2015

So set your intentions now.  The new year is a great time to do that! You don’t have to know how your desires will materialize, only that you want them to, and then ensure that your feelings match your desires. That’s all it takes! And remember, whatever materializes or doesn’t, it is really about the journey, how much you grow, and how much you learn about yourself.

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